I, The Absolute

Archive for April 29th, 2005

‘Potential’ take-aways from campus stay and the management education

Posted by itheabsolute on April 29, 2005

1. Jargon
2. If unmarried, a bride or a groom
3. Addiction to junk food and cola drinks
4. Either a habit of accosting or sickness to do greet people
5. Allergy to noise, traffic and outside civilization
6. A few friendships & a lot of acquaintances
7. Habit of sitting late into the night or waking up very early morning
8. Tag of MBA along with the name
9. Accelerated greying of hair or baldness
10. Loss of a few years in life thanks to stretching and stress
11. Fantastic understanding of business situations
12. Openness to change
13. Sport
14. Improved ability to work with groups
15. Sycophancy
16. Project management
17. Better jobs
18. Reading habit
19. Loss of extreme individuality / Urge to belong to a group
20. Meticulousness
21. Partying
22. Habit of prioritizing
23. Loss of previously held skills

PS: The list can be much longer than I can imagine

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